Today I am sharing some of my tips for getting some dirty deeds done around the house.
After talking to my sister, I realized there maybe a few of you that had not heard of these.
This actually is my biggest pet peeve.
To have my hands full of something gross,
open the trash can and there is NO bag!
I HATE holding the styroafoam from ground meat, chicken or a dripping coffee filter to realize there is no bag in the trash can.
Don't get me wrong I am happy to have someone take it out...
but put in a new bag!
I learned this at my last job... put a roll of bags in the bottom of the can.
Then when the bag is pulled out, the bags are
right there. No digging in the cabinet or pantry.
Lint...we ALL have it, unless of course you are a millionaire and have your laundry sent out.
But what do you do with it...
Ya hate to thow it out...there is just so much of it.
No, I am not a hoarder...I do throw some of it away.
Oh what can we do with all that lint ?
I love DIY's, but no we are not going
to make the dog a sweater.
I read this tip in a backpacking magazine,
dryer lint makes a wonderful fire starter.
I have a ziplock at home for our outdoor fireplace and one at the camp for the kids to use
when they want to build a fire in the fire ring.
Back packers use it because it is very very light and it can be stored in a medicine bottle to keep it dry.
Microwaves...that great thing we use day in and day out in our busy home.
Boy do they get nasty...Go the door...
Take a look look on the top..GROSS
Oh the big brown spot in the back?
I know you just have to ask.
Cause of the Big Brown Spot....
The child that thinks he is smarter than me,
just because he is taller ... HAHA
He put popcorn in the microwave without the
glass turn-table
(it was right there in the unloaded dishwasher).
Let's just say....he did not eat his popcorn, he had to unload the dish washer and use this tip when the fire alarm went off.
Put a few tablespoons of vanilla ...real or imitation and water in a microwave safe bowl.
Put it on for about two minutes. The steam will losen all the grado (gunk) off so
all you will need to do is wipe it clean.
You will be left with a nice clean smell in the mircowave and kitchen.
Actually everyone in the house will come running, because they will think you are baking. HA
Let them unload the dishwasher...
Sweet tip
I was suprise this morning when I told my sister this tip and she had never heard it.
When bananas get freckles at my house...they sit.
How many times did I throw them to the chickens because I just did not have time to make muffins.
Now I put them into a ziplock and freeze them.
Frozen banana...taste just like a
Banana Fudgesicle.. well close.
If there are any frozen ones
left I will thaw them and make bread.
Hope todays tips will help you with some
dirty deeds around the house.